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Apply for the MSA Executive Board 

The MSA is excited to announce that applications for executive board for the 2023-2024 school year have opened! Please read through the following information before applying to a specific board position. Applications are due Sunday, February 19th by 11:59 PM. Please be on the lookout for an email by February 21, 2023 confirming your candidacy for Meet the Candidates and eligibility to run for elections.

We look forward to hearing you speak on Friday March 3, 2023 at Meet the Candidates. This will take place at the Ohio Union Interfaith Room 6-8PM.

Please read through the officer duties of your desired position before applying.

For all applicants:

  • Board meetings are 2 hours per week. All board members are expected to attend all meetings unless extenuating circumstances arise.

  • All board members are expected to spend approximately 3 hours a week outside of board meetings and their own committee meetings to attend MSA events, including but not limited to halaqas, GBMs, and other brotherhood/sisterhood events.

  • The average time commitment per week that a board member spends on MSA is between 8-10 hours.

Applications are Closed
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