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For any questions, please reach out to Maryam Baig at 


Assalamu Alaykum, elections have officially begun! If you're thinking about running for a position on the MSA Board for the 2024-2025 school year, please keep in mind the timeline for this year's elections:

March 18th : Nominations begin & board applications go live!
March 31st: Nominations close at midnight
April 7th: Board applications and membership due at midnight
April 12th: 6:00-8:00 PM: Meet the Candidates and voting opens at 8PM
April 13th: Voting closes at midnight
If you know someone you believe would be a good fit for a seat on the MSA board, you can nominate them anonymously here! Nominations are not required to run for the MSA board; they exist solely to encourage people to run and provide no advantage to a candidate during the election process. Please keep an eye out for future election-related emails!

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